Concept house
Overall view
The concept house represents a trend-setting digital retail format. It networks digital devices in the showroom and enables simple content management. On the sales floor, networked devices can be operated interactively, customer wishes can be analyzed in the background, and content can be personalized, intensifying product and brand loyalty and realizing sales potential.

The foundation of the concept house is formed by the networking of the digital devices, the content depot and the content library. In combination, this enables simple maintenance of the content and ensures data supply and update management of the networked devices. Furthermore, the content is prepared for analyses.
Store module

The store module contains networked devices such as multimedia price labellers and experience tables. They attract the attention of customers and, through the interactive display of content, stimulate enthusiasm for the products and the brand. In addition, the networked devices increase customer dialogue and contribute to the high quality of sales service.

The roof of the concept house takes the customer journey to a next level. Here, it is possible to analyze customer wishes comprehensively and to personalize the content that is played out. In addition, this individual content can be delivered digitally to customers as Content2Go.
The future makers